Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Panda's are an endangered species. They are my favorite animal. The giant panda is the most common panda of them all. The scientific name for a giant panda is 'Ailuropoda melanoleuca'. In October 2012 there were 3,000-3,500 but the number keeps going down everyday. There habitat is usually in the south-west china. A pandas diet is 99% bamboo and although they seem like herbivores they actually eat small animals as well.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Timmy The Seagull

"Ready and go," shouts a seagull as Timmy gets ready to fly. Sprinting down the beach also known as the runway for the seagulls. All he thinks about is to get enough speed. He spreads his wings and leaps as far as he can. He feels proud as he gets high flies around in the air, higher then higher. The wind blows at his face like a fan cooling down a room on a hot day. He glides back down and has another go at it.

Seven Life Processes

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Penguins, Penguins Everywhere

source: National Geographic wallpapers

        The icy cold wind blows over a group of flightless birds,
 as the fish in the sea 
   swim freely without having to worry about the penguins 
with their hungry family.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012



 Recently I've been on camp and have had fun over the weekend.

At camp we did lots of activities such as; rock climbing, aqua tramp, water slide, confidence course,team rescue,initiative course, caving, orienteering,low ropes,iron man event.
It was a very tiring week for me.

Here are some photos:

This is me in the sack races.

                            this is the rock climbing wall. ^

<<<   this is me on the water slide. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Nelson Reps Tournament

Hi I hope you have been enjoying my blog so far this is a post about the Nelson Reps Tournament.
On the 11/12/13 October there was a tournament at Saxton Field and I made it into the top team for Nelson.
It's a soccer tournament by the way and the scores were 5-0 to us 3-1 to us 28-0 to us 7-2 to us and 1-0 in the final...

to us!!!!  yep we did win and we won a massive trophy with a round silver cup. I can still remember having that medal around my neck.